Here are the gifts and associated messages sent by one of my close friend to her special friend:
Wonder Pack I(DVDs)
The Message:
Way back in 2007, this is how it all started, at one place there was a source and at another place there was resource. Need inspired the lead to new source of communication, a local outsourcing, a shameful act in macho terminology. Whatever might be the source of so called inspiration, a down to earth boy was feeling ‘happy in helping’ for above the earth cause.
A few good movies were made available by burning whole day in the form of burned CD’s. And hence the underlined business took its initial stage.
Time traversed its length and Moor’s law made its effect. Need got large, technology turned larger.
There were few, now it’s more, there were CDs now it’s DVDs.
We know how it all started and we could apprehend how it would be ended or started again.
At times it was ‘a present’ for new initiation, now it’s a souvenir for parting moments.
Hope these little mementos would be a help in recollecting shattered memories of cherished moments.
Wonder Pack II(
The Message:
* You are cool composed complacent combined crater can create your won crèche in company of professionalism.
* You are an element of elegance, entity of eulogia, epithet of enigma entering into the extant of exuberance.
* You were once ordinary obtained an overhaul ordering into overwhelming obsequious of originality.
This sort of segment is prepared to welcome your baby steps in professional carrier. I would feel myself at your position when you will use it at your get-go work place.
The Message:
Childish, cherubic, charming brat (...) .
To share our shareware, to save our sanity, to satiate sanguinity, scribbling searching memories into a 'cup' of seminal pot.
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