My Toastmasters role script - MOC (theme, Casino)

MOC Script Toastmasters meeting #564
Theme: Casino, MOC: Toastmaster Mithilesh Kumar


How many of you have heard about the word Monte Carlo?
Casino has touched human imaginations multi ways. There is a world famous casino in Monaco, named Monte Carlo. It was part of the plot in a few James Bond novels and films. It has been depicted in many books like Busting Vegas.
The casino has made Monte Carlo so well known for games of chance that mathematical methods for solving various problems using many quasi-random numbers—numbers with the statistical distribution of numbers generated by chance—are formally known as Monte Carlo methods.

About Toastmasters

Another question, how many of you have heard about the great gambler Ralph C. Smedley?
While Casino industry was maturing in Europe and America, a guy named Ralph C. Smedley took a chance at public speaking and founded a not-for-profit organization, Toastmasters, on October 22, 1924, at the YMCA in Santa Ana, California, United States. Throughout its history, Toastmasters has served over four million people, and today the organization serves over 332,000 members in 135 countries, through its over 15,400 member clubs.
Today’s meeting has three sections – 1) Prepared Speech sections in which only members are allowed to participate, 2) Table Topic section in which anyone can participate including guests,  and the 3) section is  Evaluation session where all the speech evaluators will submit their reports to general evaluator.
Today’s theme ‘Casino’ could be metaphoric for taking chance/risk in life. I request all the speakers to go full Monty at your chance of gambling with your voice and become a master speech gambler at the
end of the day.

Role takers for 564th Meeting

GE: TM Gurmeen Singh
“He believes, complete life is a game of chance and opportunities. Only thing a mortal, like us can do is to exploit it at the right moment.”
 Timer: TM Parimal
“He believes that everyday of his life is gamble with a hope for better tomorrow.”
Ah-Counter: TM Sundar Shankar
Grammarian: TM Priya
“Toastmaster Priya believes that if gamble revolves around luck then she definitely believe in game of chance, she often experiences that”

 Section 1

When your life depends on losing... the last thing you need is…???  Lady luck. J J J
Let me take you all to the Los Vegas of our casino club toastmasters, i.e., prepared speech round.

Speaker1: Toasmaster Ramakoti
The first speaker of the day is Toastmaster Ramakoti who is attempting his competent communicator manual’s project 6. Toastmaster Ramakoti believes that life is full of choices, today is result of yesterday’s choice and tomorrow would be today’s actions, so choose carefully. His Speech is, “Mentors make difference”. I request the speech evaluator, Toastmaster Anushree to read out the manual for him.
Let's rotate our hands’ slot machine and welcome our first prepared gambler of the day, Toastmaster Ramakoti.
Inspiring speech!
When good luck is a long shot, you have to hedge your bets.

Speaker 2: Toastmaster Karan
The next ticket-in for today's Toastmaster's slot machine is Toastmaster Karan who is attempting his competent communicator manual’s project 8. Toastmaster Karan strongly believe in the game of instincts and always follows his instincts and gambles in life. His Speech title is- “Robotics”
I request the speech evaluator, Toastmaster Krishna to read out the speech manual for him.
So, ladies and gentlemen let’s rotate your hands and welcome Toastmaster Karan!
Wow mechanically perfect speech!
Well, technically Karan was a Robot todayJ !

Speaker 3:  Toastmaster Rohit Sharma
The third speaker of the day is toastmaster Rohit Sharma who is attempting his Advanced Communication Bronze manuals’ project 8. Even though he is not a great believer in chance, he believes that what we call chance is only the manifestation of our hard work and Karma. Today he will take chance at roasting willful roasts. I request the speech evaluator DTM Raj Kumar Bansal to read out the manual for him.
So guys! Let’s pinch your salt with rotating hands and welcome Toastmaster Rohit Sharma.
Wow! This is called, “How to Steal Half a Billion Dollars, In 3.5 Minutes by a toast?”

Speaker 4: Toastmaster Rohit Sharma
I guess Toastmaster Rohit sharma is still left with some written bucks in his pockets and wants to roast more. He is now taking chance at his ACB project 9. I request the speech evaluator DTM Raj Kumar Bansal to read out the speech manual for him.
Ladies and gentlemen put your hands together for the Pawn, the Con, The Bond, Toastmaster Rohit Sharma.
Wow, what a roast!
Rohit Sharma has turned into “Bet-on-anything guy who happily discovered something called a "winning streak." “

Section 2: Table Topic Round

Don't Push Your Luck. Winner loses all.
Let me take you all to the Macau of the casino club Toastmasters, i.e. Table Topic Rounds. To get the ticket and take the ride, let me introduce you Toastmaster Rakhee Sihna. She is a calculated risk taker, she has taken risks where she knew that she would win or learn the winning Matras. Please welcome table topic master Toastmaster Rakhee Sinha to take the center stage.

Ask for vote: Pick a card, any card

Section 3: Evaluation session

One announcement, ”Those who stay till end will get sweets from me  J
If you stay in the game long enough, you'll see everything, win everything, and lose everything.
Today's winner gambler of Los Vegas round i.e., prepared speech round is --- of Casino Toastmasters
Today's winner gambler of Macau round i.e., Table Topic round is --- of casino Toastmasters

Today's best role player of the day is --- of casino Toastmasters 

Footnote: I was awarded best role-taker for this J

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