Thanx God I survived !!!

2day 25th july ’07 ;day wednesday ,
gave most important things to me …
That thing r non other than ma ‘

U can say how is it possible 4 life
2 get
life again n again ….
answer 2 this question
lies around Boolean “YES”…

Now cumin 2 da sub ….
2day I survived thrice 4m accident …

First time ...
there was a tata sumo, which saved me by decreasing its speed while
I was crossing a round about n at tat time I was totally unaware tat there was a tata sumo, cuming 2 me @ 90 degree ..

Second time …
Ma bike was below 30kmph,n
I was juss turning in 2 a narrow street, I hit a bicycle n smhow manage maself 2 nt cum b4 a 4wheeler

N third n last time …
I was walkin on da same narrow street ,a speedy bike just passed beside me hitting on ma left ear

There is no need 2 worry abt me as lastly I am survived …
God m survived !!!
Bt now m nt happy n juss wanted 2 finish ma self(
plz gimme me sm suicide tips) …
bCoz the cause of all accidents r “GIRL”(
the most scarier thing 2 me )…

Each time I was on the bike,
ma hands r on clutch n accelerator,
ma feet r on break n gear ….…bt ...
ma damn eye r on continuously changing

“Sm were in mask ,sm were in flask
Sm were showing belly ,sm were showing nothing really;
Sm were awesome ,sm were wholesome
Sm had sexy butt ,sm had sexy tits;
Sm1 was sayin oh cum on –cum on
Sm1 was sayin go on – go on;
I was amazing @ her mileage
While she was crushing ma pick-up.

See how lucky he was
he gets a natural n tender seat belt
n super elastic back support …

N look @ me …
how dirty
I m …
tat m 1ly seein nt doin ….
n finally got survived
God mercy …”

Ist dAtE

i was ...
dieing to define it ,
assertive to attract someone,
trustworthy to have time ,
egger to make error.

today ...
it was another day
with special form ,
having new plates
in old uniform.

it was blind
with magic stick,
ready to fight
with eye.

it was not curious
to make new trend,
as she came
an hour late.

as the trend suggest
i was the first ,
who recognize her,
but she was the first,
who broke the silence.

it was not in decided way
rather it was in mature,
another way.

it was so due to
exchange of an object,
but she couldn't deny
my coffee request.

one thing i forgot to say,
that she was not alone,
and was with her friend(girl offcourse )

so we went to coffee house,
shared our shareware ,
relished the delay delivery,
and made that a little
happy house.

i am saying it 'DATE'
but not sure
she even gave it a shit !
but one thing is sure
she promised me
another 'DATE'
without her cozy friend.

............ mithilesh