Reason to be Wise

'Novice to Wise'- when I first heard the theme, my curious mind experienced a blank out in the vicinity of information overload.

How do you travel on the journey from a novice to the wise?

Will elaborating the old principles be appropriate or should I invent something new? Will my personal experience be meaningful?

Being the sole navigator of my ship of wisdom let me use my experiences. A looking back at what I have done provides me numerous reasons for continuously improve my life. Those reasons have evolved from traditional as well as disruptive thinking. However, if I narrow it down those to one reason, then it would be having a definite reason to achieve success in life.

Yes, if your reasons are clear, you will reach somewhere someday. In pursuit of your reasons of existence, you will acquire required skills and abilities, invent your own tools and means. When all is said and done, you will get that something in your life for which you were once prepared to challenge everything.

Not to mention, if you talk about Toastmasters; Toastmasters transforms you in various ways. If you have definite reasons to be here, Toastmasters will positively aid you to get closer to your goals in life.

If you ask me about this - why do I feel I am getting wiser in Toastmasters?

The answer is very simple. I have a definite reason to be in Toastmasters, and that reason is- ‘One day, I want to become one of the best communicators of our time’. This single reason pushes me every second to stretch my oratory limits to attain a new dimension in life.

Toastmasters has definite projects that help an individual evolve to a better communicator and leader, especially, its competent communicator manuals. These assist you in exploring different dimensions of communication. If I go into my chapters of learning in Toastmasters, it has been a rewarding journey so far. I keep learning by taking project speeches and leadership roles.

In my first project speech, I explored my entire life in 600 words, wherein, I particularly discussed my letter to my father as a teenager that helped me become bold in life.

For my second project speech, I created a fictional character whose ancestors experienced all the historical milestone events in the last 5000 years in India. This rally rounded me to master my speech organizational skill and give a purpose to speech.

In my third project speech, I tried to find ‘what we talk about when we talk about love’. That led to extraction of innumerable lovely moments of my life.

For my fourth project speech, I talked about ‘my resume of failure’ where I analyzed my failures better than my successes that made me feel proud of my successful failures.  

In my fifth project speech, I discussed our uncontrolled population and satirical surgical strikes of fertility. Here, speech research led me to the discovery of my own family tree which could be traced way back to 1860.

In my project speeches and about 20 leadership roles, I have explored so much that they offer me authority to talk about the intriguing theme of wisdom. Envision my conviction level after all 40 project speeches and leadership projects to become a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM). A mere imagination of my future in Toastmasters gives me invincible confidence.

Do you want to experience the same surety?

If Yes, then, find your reason to continue being in Toastmasters!

More power to you all!

-Resonating Mithilesh

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