Toastmasters is a place where you learn to Influence without Authority

Based on numerous feedback from evaluators, I hired one personal Tutor for my Accent and Grammar improvisation. The Tutor has more than 10 years of experience and he is always in demand. I told my reasons for signing up for courses. He was impressed with my sincerity. However, he was not so impressed with the idea of Toastmasters. As he assumed it as less productive forum.

The course went smoothly, I learnt and re-learnt many basics. Now, I'm at the conclusion of the course where I am realizing that I'm still making the same mistake with 'Sh' sound and other tough phonetics. My weakness with 'Articles', 'Genders' and other 'Determinants' are still there but I'm able to find my mistakes easily. I think, learning is life long process. So, I am evolving. I am satisfied with my Tutor.

Coming towards the 'Influence' part, I believe I'm highly influenced by my tutor. So does he. In the beginning, my tutor was apprehensive about the idea of Toastmasters. Now, in the end, he is joining Toastmasters. He visited Mecon Club and Dhavani club. He is joining Dhavani this week. He is giving his CC1 on coming Saturday and wants to complete his communication manual soon.

Ladies and gentlemen this the real testimony of 'Influence without Authority' which I can only learn in Toastmasters. Where a non-Toastmaster becomes a Toastmaster after meeting a Toastmaster. 😄
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